Characterize of Magnificent Problem.
I'll share some tactics, tools, and strategies I use to define problems.
'Make something people want' is a repeated adage. Defining what they want is tough and wrought with iteration.
'Make something people want' is a repeated adage. Defining what they want is tough and wrought with iteration.
You Should Be know Optimizing for these Things During Problem Definition.
1. Understanding User Behavior.
Behavior = Motivation, Ability, and Trigger. If you cannot fully understand the motivation, capability/ability, and trigger event that defines behavior, you will struggle to define the problem.
2. Scraping.
Find tons of user stories using forums and scraping. Zapier - Reddit ----> Google Sheets works great.
3. Collision Factor.
Increase my collision factor in any industry using digital means. Think of this way, if you're in the business of4. Utilizing Forums.
The crowd can power your understanding of a problem's legitimacy or lack thereof. Reddit is a prime example.
Requisite Skills.
- Emailing Customers/Industry players Cold
- Cunningham's Law
- LinkedIn
- Voice Recorder
- Zapier
Some General Principles.
- Be Uniquely Valuable
- Listen and ask a bunch of questions about how users behave
- Be Aggressive to Learn about the problem
- Piss Users Off in User Questioning