When established names in Bollywood shocked, the director and producer of the fierce competition pKP2 because of his film at the box office was incredible on the road to success is on the rise. Love Love Punchnama 2 Ranjan director, Abhishek Pathak and interview with Times of India, the public and the artists impression of the film producer reveals unusual things. Selected questions and answers from the interview below are few.
Love, which was better: Part 1 or pKP2?
We in this room and make it more effective and more efficient for the public as a replica of the previous one so they do not want to tire of the idea. We identify ourselves as part of a grapple to define several consecutive weeks to try hard. I'm glad it worked.
Adorable couple: Chris Aryan and Nusrat Bharucha
Love: Actually, I wanted to do the second part from the perspective of a woman, but I can not be there, so I guess we could have an idea. There are also ample opportunities for part-3 humor intelligent room if women who responded.
When, voguish relationship, modern and engaged with the girls in the film is that boy became 'Kutta' is famous for the quote. Karthik Aryan communicate in both movies take a long breath pitching is mind blowing and is especially loved by the people. It is always the video hits' YouTube '' often the best friend of the man in the relationship as "will be heard.
PKP2 showed all three completely different and each of them appropriate: a fascination with their jobs and start-up engineers confused their role as an actor confirmed. Nusrat added Karthik and "whistle" is romantic enough to be enjoyed by fans in rooms with.
Love, which was better: Part 1 or pKP2?
We in this room and make it more effective and more efficient for the public as a replica of the previous one so they do not want to tire of the idea. We identify ourselves as part of a grapple to define several consecutive weeks to try hard. I'm glad it worked.
Adorable couple: Chris Aryan and Nusrat Bharucha
You acknowledge that people liked the film so far is more than girls?
Luv: See, it's all about perception and I really can not classify the film, the sex wise, but to consider it as a philosophical way, then yes, it will go for a draw.Abhishek, what is your point of Luvs "pKP2 a film on women's empowerment," What?
Abhishek: Last time, we were both fresh and we do not know the real deal in B-Town, but this time, we had no doubt the media support. They welcomed the film with great curiosity came. And yes, there is a female empowerment movie, was laughter.Industry reaction Bollywood?
Abhishek: Of course, everyone in the industry to accept us as it is against the stereotype of the film and tendencies of anti-love story make it more difficult to justify the film is being made. It can be termed as a distortion. But I have my way. And what you need is a success at the box office?There is no third?
Love: Actually, I wanted to do the second part from the perspective of a woman, but I can not be there, so I guess we could have an idea. There are also ample opportunities for part-3 humor intelligent room if women who responded.
When, voguish relationship, modern and engaged with the girls in the film is that boy became 'Kutta' is famous for the quote. Karthik Aryan communicate in both movies take a long breath pitching is mind blowing and is especially loved by the people. It is always the video hits' YouTube '' often the best friend of the man in the relationship as "will be heard.
PKP2 showed all three completely different and each of them appropriate: a fascination with their jobs and start-up engineers confused their role as an actor confirmed. Nusrat added Karthik and "whistle" is romantic enough to be enjoyed by fans in rooms with.